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It is good to know they are comfy. I find Birkenstock sandals are comfy and hard wearing too.
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2015 on flat sandals at breathe happiness
It's always good when you find comfortable and good looking sandals.
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2015 on Topshop sandals at breathe happiness
Those tan sandals look good for summer!
1 reply
These are nice sandals, but I'll bet they are pricey! Are they comfortable to wear?
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2015 on k jacques picon kampal sandals at fffabulous
1 reply
The sandals your daughter is wearing in the bottom picture look nice. What type are they?
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2015 on dressing the babe / i'm blushing... at Oh Joy!
I like the yellow rain boots!
Christian Louboutin shoes are very popular at the moment, but they are pricey.
Yeah, good idea to have those available for all guests so they don;t get their shoes sandy!
The stripey socks go very well with the pink shoes! Good one.
1 reply
Those are nice shoes although with an extremely high heel!
1 reply
These Oxford shoes look good, but I prefer shoes with at least a slight heel. What do you think of these ones also by Cole Haan:
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2015 on What to Pack: Cole Haan Oxfords at Kelly Purkey
Yes, the red shoe in the bottom left also looks good. Thanks for sharing! What do you think of these other Moschino ones:
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2015 on Hot Shoes at Fly
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Apr 25, 2015