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Bisnis Ibu Rumah Tangga
Recent Activity
Yeah I love Metallica. Especially the black album :D
Aaaaaaamstel Light!!! Taaaaastes Alright!!!
I love how the stone(hengy) Metallica logo is well on it's way to crushing Snake Liberty. I don't know what the relative time frames are with respect to this album and the drummer's testifying in front of the U.S. Congress in favor of the current copyright regime.
Yeah, I love Metallica, especially the black album. Hail Metallica \m/
Bisnis ibu rumah tangga
Aaaaaaamstel Light!!! Taaaaastes Alright!!!
I love how the stone(hengy) Metallica logo is well on it's way to crushing Snake Liberty. I don't know what the relative time frames are with respect to this album and the drummer's testifying in front of the U.S. Congress in favor of the current copyright regime.
This is very cool blog!
Bisnis ibu rumah tangga
Latest Version of Fusion Introduces Add-Ins
The version of Fusion that went out this past weekend has a lot of new features but for the API the most important is the introduction of add-in support. Previously there was only support for scripts. There’s not a big difference between a script and an add-in but that small difference makes a...
Bisnis ibu rumah tangga
Premature deindustrialization in the developing world
Mention “deindustrialization,” and the image that comes to mind is that of advanced economies making their way into the post-industrial phase of development. In a new paper,[1] I show that the more dramatic trend is one of deindustrialization in the developing countries. This is a trend that is ...
Thanks for this useful information
Premature deindustrialization in the developing world
Mention “deindustrialization,” and the image that comes to mind is that of advanced economies making their way into the post-industrial phase of development. In a new paper,[1] I show that the more dramatic trend is one of deindustrialization in the developing countries. This is a trend that is ...
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May 6, 2015
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