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I respectfully disagree. In terms of conventional gasoline, non-hybrid engines, Toyota's engine entrants are dated and rather uncompetitive. Witness the Camry (Toyota's flagship vehicle): gets 25/35mpg. The Mazda6 gets 26/38mpg (while delivering about 10% more hp). The brand new RAV4 gets 24/31mpg. The Mazda CX-5 gets 26/33mpg - again with more hp. And of course, this isn't one-sided. Mazda has nothing to offer in terms of hybrids. That's why the agreement is beneficial for both of them.
Toyota and Mazda agree to build long-term partnership; environmental and advanced safety technologies
Toyota Motor Corporation and Mazda Motor Corporation entered an agreement to build a long-term partnership, leveraging the resources of each to complement and to enhance the other’s products and technologies. The two companies are now setting up a joint committee to evaluate how best to utilize...
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May 20, 2015
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