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Emily Abigail (GlamourGirlie21)
Recent Activity
I'm going to high school next year and I'm not that organized but for high school I will really need to step up my game so thats why I really want an ECLP planner. I have been watching planner videos since march 2015 and the Erin Condren life planner was always the one I wanted but I didn't want to buy a planner at that point because I would have missed the first two and a half months in the planner, so I decided to wait for the new one and I'm so glad I did! I'm so excited for it! Hopefully it will help me a ton in high school!
Emily Vahlkamp
[email protected]
Erin Condren Life Planner 2015-2016 | Review + Giveaway!
Here is the video you've been waiting for...a sneak peek at the 2015-2016 Erin Condren Life Planners!!! The Giveaway Enter to win one of the 10 $50 Gift Cards to by leaving a comment below including your full name and e-mail address. Plus for another chance to win, hop over to I...
Emily Abigail (GlamourGirlie21) is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 8, 2015
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