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Mitchell F. Salaway
Recent Activity
So sorry! I did not see the link to you earlier review...
Louis in the 9th: Inventive, innovative, interesting & constantly changing.
Louis has a master chef, Stephane Pitre who has cooked around the world but most recently at Metropolitain (the one in the 16th, not that in the 4th that I do not like). He has 3 dishes for 32 and 6 for 48 E. His amuses are playful, multi-flavorful and it's almost impossible to tell wh...
It would be nice to have an address!
Louis in the 9th: Inventive, innovative, interesting & constantly changing.
Louis has a master chef, Stephane Pitre who has cooked around the world but most recently at Metropolitain (the one in the 16th, not that in the 4th that I do not like). He has 3 dishes for 32 and 6 for 48 E. His amuses are playful, multi-flavorful and it's almost impossible to tell wh...
Mitchell F. Salaway is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 10, 2015
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