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I think that there are a lot of New Agers, spiritually inclined and high social conscience people who would welcome the opportunity to move into an independent community. Even more so if one has empathic tendencies.
My preference is the Pacific Coast as it is more temperate. I would like to build a dome house with vertical outside walls using insulated concrete forms. Somewhere around the central Oregon coast sounds quite nice.
I'm 65. Where's my "Aging Hippie" retirement community?
My wife and I are starting to ponder our options when coping with our non-easy-care house on ten rural acres near Salem, Oregon gets to be too much of a chore for us. Some days, I feel like that day already has arrived. We've got a large early 1970's house; something regularly goes wrong. We've ...
Kenneth is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 26, 2015
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