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Westhoughton High School MFL
Westhoughton High School
Bienvenue! Welcome to WHS's Lanaguages Blog!
Interests: Practise, learn and have fun!
Recent Activity
Replies that 9K/Fr2 have received in response to their postcards!! Continue reading
Postcards prepared by 9K/Fr2, French students, ready to be sent for the European Day of Languages Postcard Exchange project. We are looking forward to receiving our replies! Continue reading Year 8 are studying "Les Choristes". Beyoncé sang (in French) the main song from the film at the Oscars in 2005! Fantastique! Continue reading
Year 11 students have today taken photos of the commonly forgotten GCSE vocabulary! Here's a reminder! Continue reading
As part of Languages Week, we are celebrating European Day of Languages today. Here are the postcards we have received so far from schools around Europe. 9J1 Spanish wrote postcards on our behalf to be sent to Europe and 8J1 Spanish made posters that were sent to Greece, we look... Continue reading
Post cards written by Year 9 students ready to be sent to schools all over Europe in preparation for Languages Week which will take place in school during the week beginning the 25th September! We can't wait to see how many post cards we get in return! Continue reading
See the attached flyer for details of the competition. The school deadline for entries is Friday 12th May at 3:30. All entries must be given to Mrs Nuttall in B17. Good luck! Download Mother Tongue Other Tongue Competition - 2017 Continue reading Click on the link to see all the photos taken on the visit to the Le Touquet area. Continue reading Continue reading Continue reading