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Carlos Lastrilla
Recent Activity
Great post Allan. How is this feature different from adding a criteria in the Lifecycle transition (e.g. Change Order State contains Approved, or Controlled by Change Order is true)? It seems that this new feature is a global control for all lifecycles?
Vault ECO - How do I enforce this stuff?
There has been a number of subtle changes to ECO object behaviors of late, with the extension of flexible lifecycle definitions to items and addition of ECO record support to files we have seen necessary changes to the close ECO behavior as detailed in my last post, but also the addition of new ...
Good stuff! It would be great if we could Ctrl-Select / Shift-Select folders as well, to drag and drop to the destination folder.
Vault Copy Design, The most controversial blog of all time (Folder Copy)
This is it - the folder panel and the art of copying from and to folders. I expect to get lots of feedback on this one, I held back to get some of the Copy Design basics out of the way, but wanted to make sure we covered this early on in our deep dives into Copy Design workflows. It's unsurpri...
Carlos Lastrilla is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 29, 2015
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