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Ever since my abuelo died recently at the age of 90 all I can think about is all the special moments we shared eating Cuban food throughout my lifetime. He and I had a special bond as I was his only grandchild. We would go on a weekly basis for as long as I can remember to different Cuban restaurants, while we would engage in deep conversation about the past and his life in Cuba. Through all these moments with my abuelo is where I found a deep love for Cuban cuisine and am able to treasure it as my "visit to Cuba" because I have never been there. I feel so connected to the island because first of all I am Cuban American but mostly because of the love I had for my abuelo. With most of the foods listed on your poster being his favorites I would love to have this displayed in my kitchen because I would feel my abuelo is always with me, and I can be reminded daily to carry on the traditions I shared with him and also teach my children and their children about the Cuban culture that I hold so deep in my heart.
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Jun 30, 2015