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Shmaryah,fails to mention that Yitz is not chareidi and might not even be shomer shabbos ,he figures that with a name like this everyone will assume he is a frumma,and of course that serves his hateful agenda.
Long Island Man Gets 5 Years For Securities Fraud
Yitz Grossman from Long Island, New York was sentenced to 60 months in federal prison July 6 for securities fraud. But the sentence came with a twist Grossman likely did not expect. Yitz Grossman from Long Island, New York was sentenced to 60 months in federal prison July 6 for securities fra...
I am very impressed with your Einstein like reasoning,let me try to understand this genius argument,"" because you were molested by the Schochet,therefore it must be that 75% of children are being molested,
WOW,this pure genius,
Jancsi,no wonder they keep calling you DER UNGARISHER FERD
As Many As 50% Of Brooklyn Hasidic Boys Are Sexually Abused, Some Experts Reportedly Claim
"…While there are no statistics that relate specifically to the Jewish community, and it seems unlikely that we will ever really know the precise numbers within the closed haredi community, significant anecdotal evidence suggests a consistent level of abuse. In fact, a range of factors suggest...
Based on all his evil and atisemitic comments in almost all of his posts,
and sojmejr other nuances I have picked up ,I am almost 100% sure this animal calling himself Jeff is absolutely not Jewish,he is a gentile antiisemitie trolling the web and masquerading as a Jew,
It is best to completely ignore the bastard,and hopefully he will go away.
As Many As 50% Of Brooklyn Hasidic Boys Are Sexually Abused, Some Experts Reportedly Claim
"…While there are no statistics that relate specifically to the Jewish community, and it seems unlikely that we will ever really know the precise numbers within the closed haredi community, significant anecdotal evidence suggests a consistent level of abuse. In fact, a range of factors suggest...
As a matter of fact the Bais Josef in his Shulchan Orech,actually forbids the practice,because it is a pagan ritual,it's only the RAMA who permits it
Claiming it is an old time MINHAG.
The way it's being done today ,is an outright CHILLUL HASHEM,and should be banned.
Having said that,I have this creeping suspicion that most of you frum haters,would not stop at banning KAPOROS,but would ban SHECHITA as well.
Alliance To End Chicken Kapparos Sues NYC, Rabbis, Hasidim Over Animal Abuse, Health Code Violations
“Dead chickens, half dead chickens, chicken blood, chicken feathers, chicken urine, chicken feces, other toxins and garbage…consume the public streets. There is no oversight and no remedy for toxic contaminant-filled debris or clean up…[the kapparot rituals] constitute a substantial public he...
According to Jeff Germans are actually better than any Jew and only they deserve to live.
Jeff the Nazi collaborator!!
Posted by: Wipe out the Nazis | July 05, 2015 at 04:17 PM
Based on his many posts,I have a strong suspicion he is not even Jewish
He should be ignored
Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say
Many people will likely question Ephraim Bracha’s suicide and will instead believe he was killed as payback for Pinto’s conviction. Above: Ephraim Bracha Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say Shmarya Rosenberg • Israel Police an...
Jeff - I can well imagine that Shmarya doesn't like it when you say things like that.
Posted by: Rebitzman | July 05, 2015 at 05:19 PM
I am not so sure about that
Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say
Many people will likely question Ephraim Bracha’s suicide and will instead believe he was killed as payback for Pinto’s conviction. Above: Ephraim Bracha Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say Shmarya Rosenberg • Israel Police an...
another link about Pinto's connection to
Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say
Many people will likely question Ephraim Bracha’s suicide and will instead believe he was killed as payback for Pinto’s conviction. Above: Ephraim Bracha Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say Shmarya Rosenberg • Israel Police an...
This is not the first suicide connected to this "fake phony and fraud kabalist,a few years ago a Bobov chasid named Shlomo Absfeld,who police determined committed suicide had a major feud with this gangster, a link is attached
Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say
Many people will likely question Ephraim Bracha’s suicide and will instead believe he was killed as payback for Pinto’s conviction. Above: Ephraim Bracha Top Cop From Bribery Case Against Sefardi Haredi Kabbalist Commits Suicide, Cops Say Shmarya Rosenberg • Israel Police an...
Can't realy blame the Jews for finally fighting back,after all it is pretty clear by now that this pathetic cowardly government will not put a stop to the constant Arab stone throwing.
A Jew driving his car in his own capital,if he makes one bad turn ,he and his family have a very good chance of not coming out alive by being stoned to death,this is no way to live
What The Latest Jerusalem Stoning Attack Says About Israeli Law Enforcement
The haredim stoned several Arab cars before striking the passenger-side window of the car the woman was in, resulting in abrasions from the shattered glass. Above: file photo from 2011 The Jerusalem Post has an update on Arutz Sheva's earlier report on haredim arrested for stoning Arab cars ...
Jews are being pelted daily by hundreds of Palestinians ,and very few arrests,the light rail train in Jerusalem is being constantly pelted with stones causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages,and almost no arrests, Shmaryah is that ok with you?
What The Latest Jerusalem Stoning Attack Says About Israeli Law Enforcement
The haredim stoned several Arab cars before striking the passenger-side window of the car the woman was in, resulting in abrasions from the shattered glass. Above: file photo from 2011 The Jerusalem Post has an update on Arutz Sheva's earlier report on haredim arrested for stoning Arab cars ...
Nothing worse than what all the so called Rebbes and Kabalist's are doing
Scamming the ignorant sheep
Borough Park Con Artist Scams Elderly Non-Jews Out Of Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars
A Borough Park, Brooklyn man engaged in a diabolical mail order-scheme was ordered to stop conning trusting Iowa residents and to pay tens of thousands of dollars in fines and penalties. The Brooklyn Eagle reports: A Brooklyn man engaged in a diabolical mail order-scheme was ordered to stop...
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Jun 30, 2015
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