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Gary on the Left Coast
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"Retaining the server was dumb — remarkably dumb, even for a serial botcher of sound political management." Hahahaha... well said!
Beautifully stated, as ever, PM... Full disclosure: I'm a migrant from the Daily Dish and definitely here to stay. Thanks for your consistently compelling insights! :-D
Toggle Commented Aug 15, 2015 on Trump's Friday presser at PMC Commentary
All in all, not as kooky as I expected. Cruz was predictably entertaining. Trump was true to form, but didn't strike me as provocative for the sake of distinguishing himself. My first lengthy exposure to Jeb and he's really quite underwhelming, no sharper than his brother, alas. Kasich was fairly sensible, making him a sure-fire early exit from this primary circus. My take? Rubio handled himself most impressively, at least from this Dem's perspective. All in all good to see no one on the stage looking at all presidential. Alas, not a characteristic the R base seems to care about or understand. Best one-liner? Carson and the half-a-brain remark... :-)
Toggle Commented Aug 7, 2015 on The GOP Debate at PMC Commentary
Some honesty from Huckabee! "The military is to kill people and break things." The mission in Iraq has been one loooong success!
Toggle Commented Aug 7, 2015 on The GOP Debate at PMC Commentary
That's an interesting speculation on Trump's thinking he can win over the GOP base by splitting from the GOP, PM... but really, are the Repubs so gullible as to forget what Nader did for the Dems in 2000?
Toggle Commented Aug 7, 2015 on The GOP Debate at PMC Commentary
I still vacillate between PM's take and the HuffPo's take on how to cover the Donald and continue to doubt whether such a well authored commentary as this one is justified by the absurdity of the subject. Zero chance the Donald will be elected, so I guess having fun at his expense is no harm. That said, the denouement of this post is right on: exposing the vacuity and lack of seriousness among a large proportion of this sad, sad electorate. Beautifully stated, as ever, PM... Thanks.
I like that, Bob... and grant you the win!
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2015 on You side with…? at PMC Commentary
Nearly as socialist as ohollern, I can proudly report. Bernie: 97 Hillary: 86 O'Malley: 76 Agreed with Jimiskin on holding my nose in the booth in 2016. Excellent post, PM!
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2015 on You side with…? at PMC Commentary
No, I suspect ohollern, posting immediately before you, would take that one. Admirable!
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2015 on You side with…? at PMC Commentary
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Jul 2, 2015