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Come on, "sex pest" is so much better than "sex fiend"
Breslov “Sex Fiend” Rabbi Eliezer Berland Reportedly Jumps Bail, Flees Holland
Persistent rumors in the Israeli Beslov hasidic community, first reported by Friday, have apparently been proved true. Dutch police say Breslov Shuvu Banim leader Rabbi Eliezer Berland has likely fled the Netherlands without a passport and is believed to have gone to a Latin ...
Come on, "sex pest" is so much better than "sex fiend"
Haredi Man Who Kidnapped And Raped His Ex-Wife In A London Dungeon Sentenced To 14 Years in Prison
“A husband discovering one and possibly two of his beloved children are or may not be his is grave provocation and mitigation and explains this extraordinary behavior on the day in question,” the haredi-man's attorney claimed. Haredi Man Who Kidnapped And Raped His Ex-Wife In A London Dungeo...
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Jul 6, 2015
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