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Disney Fan
Recent Activity
Be a Beauty and a Beast at the Gym!
Who says you need to be glamorous and cutesy all the time? Sure, one of my favorite Disney movies of all time is Beauty and the Beast, but that isn't to say that you need to be a pretty little bookworm all the time! When I get in the mood... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2016 at Disney in Real Life
Get a Body Like Cinderella's in 21 days
So I know what you're thinking - why do all Disney princesses get to marry the man of their dreams? It doesn't seem fair right - they live in castles, have hot husbands and live happily ever after. Well it isn't much of a coincidence that they also have tiny... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2016 at Disney in Real Life
The Disney Workout
So let's be clear. In Disney films, there are not many variations in body types among women. Let's look at our lady stars. All of them have pretty much the same physique. In fact, you could swap out their heads and skin tone and you'd essentially have the exact same... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at Disney in Real Life
If Disney Characters Could Whatsapp..
Let's be honest. Having a mobile phone is a fashion statement. I personally own a Samsung Galaxy Trend and even my friends make fun of me. I've never had a cool phone, but if you have an awesome phone - people think you're just a bit cooler, richer, more popular.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at Disney in Real Life
The Absent Mother: Missing Mother Figure
One of the most prevalent themes of Disney films is the absence of the mother. Which is quite disturbing. The mother figure is always kind and maternal, before she dies. How horrendous for young children, seriously! It's not like this is a one-time deal. Disney has this in the majority... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at Disney in Real Life
Do You Trust Me?
I think this is every girl's favorite words to hear from her man! I love this scene in Aladdin where Aladdin reaches his hand out to Jasmine and asks her if she trusts him. She is hesitant and then says she can and they go on that epic magic carpet... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at Disney in Real Life
Hello and welcome!
Thanks for coming to my website, I'm so glad you could make it! Hehe! This is a blog to celebrate all of my favourite Disney movies, characters and talk about all the cool and fun merchandise you can get to show off how much you love your disney characters! Hope... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at Disney in Real Life
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Jul 22, 2015
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