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From the size of the windows, that would be a 747-100.
Very Corny: Gourmet, 1974
Heading off to the farmers market, where I know I'll buy some corn. Who could possibly resist this time of year? And so, as promised, a vintage corn recipe from the stack of old Gourmet magazines. This one is from an October issue; in 1974, was there still corn in the markets in October? ...
As I understand it, the best way to survive THOSE days was to be constantly buzzed.
Two (Old) Recipes and One (Hilarious) Ad
It's July 1960, but this couple doesn't seem to realize they've left the fifties behind. Another interesting note: nearly all the ads in this issue of Gourmet are for liquor of some sort. Little surprise then, that the recipes tend to be rather boozy. Here are two:
Thanks for that blast-from-the-past. According to the Westegg Inflation Calculator: $753 1960=$5938 in 2014. That must have been some trip! Just for a laugh: $753 in 2014 would have been worth $95.59 in 1960. Enjoy your weekend.
A Little Taste of 1960
The fifties were over; it was the first summer of the new decade, and what were New Yorkers dreaming of? An all-inclusive trip to Hawaii, which could be had, airfare and hotel included, for less than $800. How times change! To prepare you for that trip, the editors kindly threw in a recip...
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Jul 25, 2015
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