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Sabrina Pastorino
Recent Activity
Hope to win this great prize
Fun & Fabulous Projects with our Deluxe Collector's Editions
Today, we have three fabulous projects using our Deluxe Collector's Editions from Lori Williams, Katie Zoey Ho, and Maggi Harding. There's so much goodness in this blog, we're going to jump right to it! First, enjoy this stunning Steampunk Debutante box and card. Wow, this is such an amazing...
First of all a cup of coffe, later an orange juice! Love this kit.
Cocoa Daisy kit GIVEAWAY!!!
It's Friday and we always love to celebrate the end of the week with a giveaway! Today's giveaway comes from our sweet friends at Cocoa Daisy! Their Day in the Life kit is always full of special exclusive items and this one is certainly no different! Just look at those darling coffee cups! "W...
Sabrina Pastorino is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 26, 2015
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