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It looks like I have to send REGEN3 to the commandline. Is there a better way?
DrawableOverrule to highlight entities in nested block references and Xrefs
By Balaji Ramamoorthy Some time back, I had posted this blog post to change the color of entities using DrawableOverrule. But it did not handle entities in block references well. Here is a completely rewritten code snippet that handles entities in block references, nested block references and Xr...
Thank you for the code sample. It does exactly what I want. The only issue is that WorldDraw is only triggered in 2D wireframe, and not in any of the shaded Visual styles. Is this normal behavior?
DrawableOverrule to highlight entities in nested block references and Xrefs
By Balaji Ramamoorthy Some time back, I had posted this blog post to change the color of entities using DrawableOverrule. But it did not handle entities in block references well. Here is a completely rewritten code snippet that handles entities in block references, nested block references and Xr...
Macgyver700210 is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 31, 2015
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