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Chuck G
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Disturbing article no doubt, but what is most disturbing is that it only presents one side of the issue. No mention was made of the lives of those who have had successful cardiac ablation. As someone who had a successful procedure on the 3rd attempt, I can say that I'm glad that I did my homework and "interviewed" 3 cardiac electro physiologists before settling in to the one that I totally trusted with pushing electrodes into my heart. He was up front about the possibility that more than one procedure may be necessary, and that taking drugs for the rest of my life might be an option (not one that I envisioned). Everyone is unique and has to deal with their specific set of factors, but I can say that it's not all gloom and doom. Perhaps I was one of the very lucky ones, but my ticker has been working flawlessly for the past 8 years (since my last procedure) and I am at this writing about to turn 65, still pushing as hard as I ever did.
A-Fib and the Master Endurance Athlete
In the last week I’ve been asked several times to comment about a recent article in VeloNews magazine regarding the connection between a heart condition known as atrial fibrillation and master/senior endurance athletes who have been training for years. This is considerably outside of my area of ...
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Aug 5, 2015
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