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Pat Crossland
Recent Activity
and again....
Rise & Shine!
There's a whole new line of Mica Powders in town! Presenting new colors that you just gotta have in Vintage Pink, Black Cherry, Tangerine, Sunny Yellow, Bottle Green, Deep Water, Frozen Lake, and Lilac to name a few. And they are CALLING your name. On top of new colors we also have Irides...
Rise & Shine!
There's a whole new line of Mica Powders in town! Presenting new colors that you just gotta have in Vintage Pink, Black Cherry, Tangerine, Sunny Yellow, Bottle Green, Deep Water, Frozen Lake, and Lilac to name a few. And they are CALLING your name. On top of new colors we also have Irides...
Pat Crossland is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 5, 2015
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