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Gregory Stevens-Cox
Retired schoolmaster
Interests: Medieval history, Victor Hugo
Recent Activity
N [omine] In the name D [ei] of God sign of cross O [mnipotentis] the all-powerful then perhaps an invocation C [ustodi] guard H [unc] this W [name] D [e] R [name] G [ladio] [sword] H [hoc] with this sword D [vocative of the noun Deus, because followed by a cross] o God sign of cross O [mnipotens] all-powerful R [ex] king V [isibilis] visible I [invisibilis] invisible = In the name of God, the all-powerful, guard this [name - e.g. Walter de Rochester] with this sword, o God all-powerful, king visible and invisible.
Gregory Stevens-Cox is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 8, 2015