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maco young
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has anyone here successfully engaged in an actual conversation with a conservative since forever?
it's been my unhappy experience that snarky retorts stand in for arguments, and that any weakness or inconsistency is ignored, summarily, or with attack the messenger or whatever.
(that said, I am finding new-agers to be nearly as bad, preoccupied with health conspiracies and too cool to be an actual "liberal", totally unwilling to get their hands dirty and do some good.)
anyway, I remember when one could actually discuss politics and issues - or is this a pipe dream?
Paul Krugman: The Donald and the Decider
Nothing comes from nowhere: The Donald and the Decider, by Paul Krugman, Commentary, NY Times: Almost six months have passed since Donald Trump overtook Jeb Bush in polls of Republican voters. At the time, most pundits dismissed the Trump phenomenon as a blip... Instead, however, his lead just...
right on! thinking about building a javascript extension to that would filter out these guys. you know they're bad, but like a car wreck, ...
'The Minimum Wage: How Much is Too Much?'
Alan Krueger: The Minimum Wage: How Much is Too Much?: The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 an hour since 2009. While Congress has refused to take action, Democratic politicians have been engaged in something of a bidding war to propose raising the minimum wage ever higher: first to...
Poverty itself is a disease whose symptoms include obesity, substance abuse, ...
I can tell you've never been there. The last thing you're looking for is healthy food - you're looking for as much as you can eat for that five dollars in your pocket, and upsizing those fries and Coke is a good deal. Being poor drains you of ambition and will, and chasing a needle or a couple of six packs is far more appealing than the drudge of being.
'The Implications of Growing Gap in Life Span by Income for Entitlement Programs'
On raising the retirement age for Social Security (and other social insurance programs): New report examines implications of growing gap in life span by income for entitlement programs, National Academy of Sciences, EurekAlert!: As the gap in life expectancy between the highest and lowest earn...
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Aug 25, 2015
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