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Subir Dutta
Recent Activity
I see the shell example in ObjectARX SDK. We have to create the list of vertices and faces and send it to the shell api.
As in block we can add comple solid using boolean operations, isn't there any easy way to create complex 3D custom entity using boolean operation where we simple add 3D solid primitives and do boolean on them ?
Is there any sample on similar path ?
How AcDb3dSolids are drawn when using a custom derived AcGiWorldDraw
by Fenton Webb It is possible to create your own custom WorldDraw and ViewportDraw classes (in ObjectARX they are called AcGiWorldDraw and AcgiViewprtDraw). By doing this, you can essentially override the low level draw routines that AutoCAD uses and replace them with your own functions which ca...
Subir Dutta is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 22, 2015
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