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Thank you all, I have found it. I should create a condition within URL rewrites regarding HTTP_HOST.
Thanks again,
Using IIS ARR 3.0 on Windows Server 2012R2 as a Reverse Proxy for Lync Server 2013
I have reliably been using IIS ARR as a low cost replacement for ISA/TMG (Free with Windows Server!) for some time now however I recently had a customer that had provisioned Windows Server 2012R2 so I decided to use IIS ARR 3.0 instead of 2.5 which is what I have always used for previous install...
Is it possible to publish two web sites at the same port (80)? I have a customer that wants to publish through ARR 3, two sites and The first will publish a site from internal server, and the second URL will publish site from
You can see exactly what I am trying to do here
The problem is that only the first http site responds. for the second one, there are not even incoming requests in Monitoring and Management within the farm.
Thanks in advance,
Using IIS ARR 3.0 on Windows Server 2012R2 as a Reverse Proxy for Lync Server 2013
I have reliably been using IIS ARR as a low cost replacement for ISA/TMG (Free with Windows Server!) for some time now however I recently had a customer that had provisioned Windows Server 2012R2 so I decided to use IIS ARR 3.0 instead of 2.5 which is what I have always used for previous install... is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 29, 2015
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