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Morgan Taylor
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Cultural Geography was a great class. I have learned so much this term. Some of the things I have learned are things I didn't even give thought to before. This class has taught me to look deeper into things such as places and find a deeper meaning. Thank you Mr. Huston for being an awesome professor, and thank you for giving me a deeper understanding of the world around me.
Open thread
Post on other matters from the week, or the term, here.
Being apart of the small discussion groups allowed students to gain a better understanding of the topic. In a small group, students can get into a deeper conversation about the topic. Students can debate and each say their opinion. After hearing everyones opinions, than students can agree with others or disagree. Small groups helped me better understand because I was able to think aloud and express my thoughts and then other students responded with their thoughts.
Course assessment: small groups
A number of students indicated that they felt most engaged in class when you broke into small groups for discussion. Why are the small group discussions engaging?
Before this class, I have never read a comic book. Reading Bad Houses was a completely new experience for me. I enjoyed the comic book. It was easy to read and understand. I have read Bad Houses only once but have skimmed back through it a couple times. Each time I have found something to be more clear and it helped my understanding of what was taking place in the story. I used the comics guide frequently, and it helped me a lot as well as the in class group discussions.
Reading strategies for the comic
T 12/1 is our final discussion of Bad Houses. What has been your strategy for preparing for these discussions? Have you re-read the book? How many times? In whole or in part? What have you noticed during re-readings? How are you addressing reading images as well as words? Did you make use of my ...
I know that no one ever comments on the blog post about the scoring, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this assignment. Before this assignment I didn't really notice what I do as a woman that really defines me as that. It was really interesting to take a deeper look into what traces tie me to being defined as a girl. In addition to the interesting traces, I wanted to say how shocked I was with how much society shapes us to be either boy or girl. From the colors of blue and pink to Targets toy isle being separated by gender, our society is very black and white with gender issues. I never really noticed how much our society forces us to be either boy or girl and how much society has expectations on how boys and girls should act.
Assessment & Scoring: the body
Overview: This Write-up is worth seven (7) points. One Write-up earned 7/7. The average for this assignment is 6.35. There are no scores below 4. As of R 11/19 there were six students who had not submitted a Write-up. General comments: Higher scoring Write-ups demonstrated an understanding of...
Cultural geography goes deeper in the meaning of what society is. It not only looks at how humans interact with each other but it also goes deeper into the way humans react with the world around them. I agree with Connor that cultural geography is extremely broad. Because cultural geography is so broad, I believe that is the reason why there are so many different methods of researching and study this field. For a cultural geographer, these methods are important because it allows the geographer to understand in-depth with what he is studying and to not only see but to really feel what he is studying.
Research methodology: experimental & alternative
Here are examples of different forms of experimental and alternative research in cultural geography. Articles available via Hamersly Library. Login maybe required. This article reports on research with "audio geography": Michael Gallagher, "Sounding ruins: reflections on the production of an ‘a...
I really agree with what Connor said. Youth can't be defined by an age but by the state of being. I believe that every individual goes through the "youth stage" but every persons youth stage is different. Many children are raised in an environment where they are forced to grow up fast. For this reason they need to take on responsibilities that adults have. For example, I never had a childhood because of events that have happened to my family. At the age of 16, I had many of the same responsibilities as an 18 year old. I had a car, a job, and I had to pay for my insurance, cell phone bill and anything I wanted to buy. I strongly believe that youth is situational and is not defined by an age. Youth is another word for immaturity.
Defining youth
In the Learning Assessments this week, more than one person expressed confusion over the definition of "youth." According to your textbook, "Youths are no longer children, but they are not yet adult. This 'liminal' positioning has consequences for the places that they can take and make within t...
I really like how we are able to do field exercises as apart of our curriculum. It really helps me learn and I better understand the concepts of cultural geography as a result. For this field exercise, Samantha and I decided to work together. Together we went to the book store in the Werner Center and did our observations and our novel act. We decided that our novel act would be taking our backpacks, food and drinks in, which it is clearly posted that you are not suppose to do that. We got a very interesting and different reaction then what we were expecting.
Natural, normal, novel check-in
How is the current field exercise going? Where did you go? How did the observation stage work for you? How did you decide on and prepare for your novel act? Are you working alone or with a group?
Hi my name is Morgan, and I am from Independence OR. Which is pretty much the same town as Monmouth. I am a freshman this year and I am an eduction major. My goal is to teach elementary school, either grades 1st through 4th. See y'all in class!
Welcome, Fall 2015
This is the class weblog for GEOG 107D Introductory Cultural Geography at Western Oregon University. Get more information about the course. Get more information about the blogging requirement and also how the blog is used for other Assignments and as part of Attendance & Participation. Learn mo...
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Sep 30, 2015
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