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Stop Trying to Force Recovery
I am cautiously emerging from a horrendous 3-year rut, and I've been torturing myself attempting to decipher "The Big Reason" for it. I'm conflicted, because I've felt the euphoria when in the aftermath of pain and tragedy, pieces glide together, seamlessly weaving a tapestry of meaningfulness and purpose. It's a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2015 at My Blog
The 3 Worst Things About Chronic Pain (and what to do about them)
It probably goes without saying that the unending, crippling pain is the worst thing about chronic pain. Here are three secondary issues that generally come packaged into the chronic pain experience. You Here are some helpful tips to help you acknowledge and manage them so they do not exacerbate your... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2015 at My Blog
Best. Meditation. Ever.
Forget everything else. Just do this: You're Welcome, Sarah Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2015 at My Blog
3 Tips to Start Your Day Right with Chronic Pain
An average chronic pain morning.... Wake up feeling like you got run over by a train. Foggy, sluggish, lethargic, painful, sad, depressed, intimidated, exhausted, scared, angry. There are ways to start having better mornings. But it's difficult and not a quick fix. There are so many factors that can make... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2015 at My Blog
I Got Cancer For Attention
A funny thing happened during my quest for chronic pain answers. I got cancer. But let's back up a step: Before I was diagnosed with "The Cancer" at 26, I'd already been suffering from "The Fibro" for years. "The Fibro" was my pet name for severe and debilitating pain and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2015 at My Blog
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