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Oh yes friend I feel you! We are living in the barn that we are converting into our home and to say its stressful is an understatement. I am so over waking up to people being in my house and can't wait for everything to just be DONE. I also can't wait to not share one tiny itty bitty bathroom anymore because with two boys that's not the funnest thing ha. Cheers to us hopefully both being done with everything sooooon and I hope you are having the best time in Amsterdam! xo
Moving Progress: The Magic of One Nice Space
Hey, friends! We recently moved into our new home, which is still being renovated. It's kind of like camping really. :) We imagined moving into a freshly renovated, clean, bright space. In my imagination, we would be moving in the summertime, totally decorated and settled in by the fall time....
LindsayKujawa is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 5, 2015
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