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C. Cross stitch Creations
Recent Activity
Beautiful finish! I love seeing your post.
~C's Cross Stitch Creations ~
My Ann Rayner Conversion
I finished this sampler a few months ago after stitching it alongside my dear friend Ann Robbins. Ann collects "Ann samplers," and when we both mentioned that we had been wanting to stitch Threads Thru Time's Ann Rayner 1839 reproduction, we decided to stop wishing and just dive right in! When I...
Beautiful finish! I love seeing your post.
~C's Cross Stitch Creations ~
My Ann Rayner Conversion
I finished this sampler a few months ago after stitching it alongside my dear friend Ann Robbins. Ann collects "Ann samplers," and when we both mentioned that we had been wanting to stitch Threads Thru Time's Ann Rayner 1839 reproduction, we decided to stop wishing and just dive right in! When I...
C. Cross stitch Creations is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 15, 2015
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