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I agree with LadyBelle and Tech Support Survivor.
Majuba, please keep encouraging your co-worker to stand up for herself, she can't let this creep get away with what he is doing. The next girl might be subjected to far worse behavior.
Creepy Coworkers: The Personal Hunting Ground
From Majuba A young female friend of mine is being sexually harassed by a guy at her workplace. "K" works as a sales assistant at an auto-parts store, part of franchise. Sadly she's caught the eye of the company owner's son (not the store manager, the guy that owns the brand). The son, let's...
Why does everything have to be dirty to some people? Geesh, get your mind out of the gutter and grow up!
Squirrel Christmas Decoration Fail
From savemejebus0: I guess we know why he's smiling!
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Nov 14, 2015
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