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rana fahmy
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Hi Timothy,
Does it matter where the (as cited in..., xxxx) comes in the sentence for e.g.:
He described the first type as waiting for something that turns into being aware of time and wanting to kill it, similar to Doehlemann’s (1991, as cited in Svendsen, 2005) situative boredom.
or would this order be more appropriate:
He described the first type as waiting for something that turns into being aware of time and wanting to kill it, similar to Doehlemann’s (1991) situative boredom (as cited in Svendsen, 2005).
Another sentence:
Winnicott (as cited in Khan, 1989), a prominent psychoanalyst, was asked by Anglican priests how could one differentiate between someone who needs psychiatric attention and someone who could be helped by talking.
Winnicott, a prominent psychoanalyst, was asked by Anglican priests how could one differentiate between someone who needs psychiatric attention and someone who could be helped by talking (as cited in Khan, 1989).
The other question is I am quoting a written interview with Rollo May that was done by Schneider, Galvin & Serlin, 2009. Would this be the correct way of referencing? :
Rollo May, (as cited in Schneider, Galvin & Serlin, 2009), a humanistic psychotherapist, described therapy as an arena for “re-education. It is doing what ought to come naturally” (p. 422).
Secondary Sources (aka How to Cite a Source You Found in Another Source)
by Timothy McAdoo You’ve probably heard that you should avoid secondary sources when possible. It’s true—if you find great information being quoted or paraphrased somewhere, it’s well worth your effort to track down the original source so you can read it for yourself and therefore cite it di...
rana fahmy is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 20, 2015
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