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Happy Birthday to your boy! :)
I like the idea of also making this an anniversary of becoming a mother. So congrats to you, too! My own 30th anniversary of motherhood will be coming up in April. Where does that time fly?
Wishing your beautiful family nothing but joy and happy time.
One of life's sweet surprises...
It's hard for me to believe it now, but there was a time in my life when I wasn't sure I wanted to be a mother. I mean, kids can be so annoying and demanding! (I know I was!) I thank God every single day that he changed my mind and blessed me with my three amazing kids, beginning with th...
Sounds like a good plan, Barbara. :)
Peace Begins with a Smile
I think it's time, don't you? Somewhere I read that everything we do, every simple action or word, sends an energy into the world, either positive or negative, ultimately contributing to either war or peace. We can point fingers and lay blame, but to some degree each one of us carries t...
Wow.. what a busy and happy time for celebration. Your shrimp-eating mama is so sweet.. and your son for bringing Josie with him to visit. May you and yours have many such celebrations for years to come.
A weekend of birthday celebrations and away they go again...
My oldest and his beautiful wife are somewhere over the Pacific Ocean right now, traveling to New Zealand with another couple for a trip of a lifetime, one they've dreamed about for years. I would say "the" trip of a lifetime, but these two have already spent Oktoberfest in Munich, honeymo...
TheSmittenImage is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 23, 2015
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