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Mr Talbott - Thrilled to have found your site just ahead of a visit to Paris! -have already added a few of your recommendations to our list for the week. I've visited Paris many times - but it's been a few years and my knowledge of Paris in any case relative to yours could fit in a thimble. My boyfriend, who joins me on this trip, has never been. I'd like to take him to one totally over-the-top, don't-dare-look-at-the-bill, just fill your senses with the beauty of the magnificent meal kind of evening. The last time I experienced that was at the Fat Duck in the UK ... hoping for something equally spectacular. We'll be there Christmas week, so I know that limits our choices somewhat (arriving the 22nd) ... But would you be kind enough to make a recommendation (or two, in case we can't get in to the first choice)? Thank you very much!
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Dec 6, 2015