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Evan Shellshear
Recent Activity
Hi Drew and Jacob, Great post. I think this is an extremely fruitful area of investigation - innovation biases. It is well-known that technically great teams fail all the time (Shockley Semiconductors, etc) and usually this is due to behaviors. Stuff like biases often make a disproportionate contribution to this so it is about time we looked at them. Great article! Best regards, Evan Shellshear
Great blog. You succinctly captured the difficulties I recently had in trying to implement a new innovation agenda. It was exactly the resistance you are describing. Cheers, Evan
Hi Drew, Awesome blog and let's hope that it keeps going for at least another 8 years! You're exactly right about the types that find you hear - a technical leader right here. Cheers, Evan Shellshear
Hi Rachel, Another great article. I really like the idea because it is something we have been trying to do at our company but still haven't gotten right. I'll definitely bear your comments in mind. Thanks again! Cheers, Evan Shellshear
Evan Shellshear is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 12, 2015