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Pepe Alonso
Recent Activity
Gracias, Jacobo. Un saludo.
A matter of choice
I think it was about six years ago when I concluded I was not cut out to be a professional politician. From 2006, before the inaugural Catalan regional election, to 2009, before the disastrous European election, I went through an intensive master program of sorts being fully involved in the amat...
Hola Jacobo,
Una pregunta personal a la que, por supuesto, no tienes por qué contestar si consideras inapropiado el hacerlo.
Después de tu paso por Ciudadanos, ¿les ves hoy en día como una opción válida para mejorar el gobierno de España?
O, si la pregunta te parece demasiado directa, ¿qué fuerzas políticas crees que merecen un mínimo voto de confianza el 20D tras escuchas sus propuestas sobre transparencia?
A matter of choice
I think it was about six years ago when I concluded I was not cut out to be a professional politician. From 2006, before the inaugural Catalan regional election, to 2009, before the disastrous European election, I went through an intensive master program of sorts being fully involved in the amat...
Pepe Alonso is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 16, 2015
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