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Is there a legend explaining the significance of the numbers, and colours of the tokens?
Jaggar's Hunt - The Mountain Orcs
Feeling dejected after slow progress with a goblin camp empty of what you were seeking, your spirits are buoyed with the yield of a solid result from some consistent teamwork. Lysander picks some targets, and Elzix turns on the magic to get a read of the mood in the Orc camp. They are a fracture...
"I was hoping it would be giants, my king." Taran says, a toothy grin under his beard. "I will see to the safety of the caravans, and in turn Rockhome will be free to see to the safety of the Darokinians." Taran makes his best attempt at a gracious bow.
"What can you tell me of these giants?"
Diplomatic Mission - The Kingdom of Rockhome
The Kingdom of Rockhome Rockhome has long been friendly with Darokin, owing to a pass which connects the western lands with the kingdoms of the north. Upon arrival in Rockhome, an audience with the King can be quickly arranged through diplomatic channels. You are provided with a tour of the c...
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Dec 17, 2015
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