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I love the new Illustrated Faith movement. She blooms is perfect for documenting my faith and using my scrapbook supplies to show my one for Christ. Super excited for February.
CHA Winter 2016 Reveals: Illustrated Faith Scrapbooking - She Blooms Collection
Welcome back to our reveal week! All this week, we will be revealing our SIX new collections in full, in addition to new embellishments and a huge Illustrated Faith release! We will also be sharing some project inspiration, and hosting win-it-before-you-can-buy-it giveaways as well. Stephanie ...
I love the new Illustrated Faith movement. She blooms is perfect for documenting my faith and using my scrapbook supplies to show my one for Christ. Super excited for February.
Mix & Match
Today's feature is all about mixing & matching Bella's collections. One of the great things about our collections is that you'll find the same colors throughout, whether you're using an older collection from a year or two years ago (or more!) or a newer collection that you just got your hands ...
scrapgirl75 is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 30, 2015
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