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Recent Activity
I am a 58 male. I have 700 or so rides logges all with a HRM. My max HR is 179 which I have observed only 3 times. Only really tough TT's and FTP tests I normally hit around 177. I train regularly, with a coach (who is a Joe Friel accolite :) ).
Twice during easy rides I have felt slightly nauseous and seen 220 on my HRM. Only lasted 2 minutes and then back to normal. On one occasion I was cycling past the doctors surgery and managed to get on an ECG machine within minutes of the incident. Nothing found by the doctor.
I consulted two separate cardiologists and after wearing 24hr monitoring kit they both said that I should just carry on as normal - it was only of a concern if it started occurring regularly.
High Heart Rate Questions
I receive lots of questions from athletes every week. They seem to come in topical groups. For some unknown reason this spring I’ve gotten a lot of questions from athletes who believe their heart rates are abnormally high during exercise and imply that they are concerned that they may have a car...
Timbo is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 6, 2016
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