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Karyn Tanner
Recent Activity
Life skills
Ry in the kitchen making tea. Madi walks in, "Do you even know what you're doing with the stove?" Ry, "I'm making sweet tea because I have those life skills to pay the bills..." SMH SMH Makes me lol. We have been having life skill lessons this summer at our... Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2016 at That Karyn Tanner...
Today, I wasn't able to snap a pic, but I saw a man riding down Airline in a golf cart with big "Thank a Cop" posters on the front and back. I saw a sad lady working at McAlisters where we had lunch and I smiled and checked on her.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2016 at That Karyn Tanner...
Volleyball Fate
My Mom's church does this thing where they get together on Wednesdays and tell about their God moments of the week. I had one yesterday and it's sharing time... Soooo, Rylee had volleyball tryouts on Tuesday. She was at a clinic and tryouts all day. 50 girls tried out from... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2016 at That Karyn Tanner...
When Meme comes over...
One phrase that consistently answers a multitude of questions after Meme comes over and cleans my house and then goes back to Magee: Kid-"Mom, where are my pink converse?" Me--"Try your closet..." Kid-"Have you seen my Walking Dead shirt?" Me--"Try your closet..." Male Grown up-"I can't find my brown belt?"... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2016 at That Karyn Tanner...
Letter to Mississippi.
Dear Mississippi, You sure make it hard to defend you. I think it's time to ask yourself what would Jesus do? Love like Him and it removes the questions. Jesus would welcome all the people, esp those who didn't believe in Him or welcome Him. He'd run to them with... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2016 at That Karyn Tanner...
Here it is!
Well, folks I'm a 40 year old woman and you are reading my first ever blog entry. What the what?! Hopefully, this will mean shorter Facebook posts from me clogging up your newsfeed. Bless. I had no idea that creating a blog was going to be mind boggling! I decided... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2016 at That Karyn Tanner...
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Jan 12, 2016
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