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joselin ribera
Recent Activity
Tuesday 3/29 10:15-10:30pm
Conference Schedule 3/24 & 3/29
Please read the instructions below carefully before proceeding. Here's the schedule; please sign up by leaving a comment to this post with your preferred date and time. If you're not scheduled for a conference, there is no class. So if I'm seeing you on Thursday, you don't have to come Tuesday...
From reading what Brittany posted I can say I agree with her. As she stated ''terrorism is not a term that should not be associated with any specific group of people. It is something that anyone is capable of being. If someone wants to commit acts of violence and intimidation for political purposes, they are indeed a terrorist.'' I totally believe what is saying is right because no one is all that sure just what "terrorism" is. Terrorism does not have only one meaning, it does have many of them.
Assignment for Tuesday 1/26/16
Please read the article, "Who's a Terrorist? Depends on Who You Ask" by Sammy Ketz in the Times of Israel and respond below in the comments. You can answer all or some of the following questions, or react in your own way: What's the author's main point? Do you agree or disagree and why? Were...
joselin ribera is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 23, 2016
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