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Internet Freedom Around the World Is Continuing to Decline for the Sixth Year in a Row
Here in America, we are fortunate to have freedom of speech, more so than ever through social media platforms, and communication apps. However, globally everyone is not as well-off as this year is recorded as the sixth consecutive year for internet freedom to decline globally, as stated in Business Insider. According to Freedom House, “In addition to restricting access to social media and communication apps, state authorities more frequently imprison users for their posts and the content of their messages, creating a chilling effect among others who write on controversial topics.” In critical times, where political events are taking place,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2016 at Global Media News
Romanian Journalists under Pressure for Speaking out Against Government
Many nations around the world have been known to secure their image in a positive light so other countries won't speculate how they run their government. Places like Serbia, Russia and Turkey are some of the few that have been known to punish journalists who speak out against the government. This week Romania has made headlines as members of one of their notorious newspapers, Romania Libera has been under heat while many others have been involved with legal crimes for speaking out on régime affairs. “There’s been a series of high- profile arrest and hasty prosecutions of the country’s largest... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2016 at Global Media News
Turkey Reclaimed as World’s Leading Jailer of Journalists; Why Are Hundreds of Media Outlets Being Shut Down?
Turkey has been receiving much attention after closing more than 130 media outlets back in July of 2016. According to Reuters, “A state of emergency was declared following a failed military coup, stirring concern among Western allies and rights groups about deteriorating press freedoms.” Now members of newspapers like pro-Kurdish ‘Ozgur Gundem’ and the ‘Zaman’ newspaper, are awaiting long term or life sentencing for having relations with terrorist organizations and posing threat to national unity. Reuters also states that “In the imprisonment and jail sentences of up to 17-1/2 years were sought for the nine suspects recently arrested". Turkish... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2016 at Global Media News
Digital Giants in the UK; Will Google and Facebook Have to Pay for Public Service Reporting?
As digital giants like Facebook and Google continue to serve as main sources for news in the media, many argue that they are “bleeding the newspaper industry dry by sucking up advertising revenue”, as stated in The Guardian. In Britain a digital economy bill is currently being drafted that will persuade legislators to have these giant corporations pay for their advertising. In the proposal “a 1% levy will be considered for companies like Facebook and Google to pay for independent and non- profit journalism.” Throughout the UK these establishments are paying minimal tax while lacking diversity with the information provided.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2016 at Global Media News
Why Journalists Aren't Convinced on Using Social Media in Serbia.
Serbia, a European country just formed in the last 20 years, has a media system that is undergoing transformation, which is proving to be slow, incoherent and incomplete according to EJC, The European Journalism Centre. The media was sharply divided into two camps: regime-controlled and independent. However, journalists still face issues regarding freedom of expression on social media platforms and the validation of using it altogether. Statista, a leading statistics company on the internet tells us that back in 2014, 52% of the population in Serbia used some form of social media. Certain that since then, the number may have... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2016 at Global Media News
Radio in Canada and Why "The Current" Is so Successful.
Canada, our neighbor here in the United States, is located in the northernmost part of North America. It only boarders with the United States as its southern territories run along its northern border. Radio in Canada continues to grow as listeners become more interested in the music and content being presented. Canada is influenced by Britain due to relations throughout history, their political system much like their entertainment organization such as radio has a set up very similar to the United Kingdom’s. The CBC or Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, is parallel to widely known BBC or Britain Broadcasting Corporation. The CBC... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2016 at Global Media News
BBC Radio; Radio 1Xtra and Their Recent Advancements.
Radio in the United Kingdom is continuing to grow as various content for music, entertainment and news are being presented for people with different interest. Similar to here in the U.S, The UK has a diverse group of people who don’t all primarily like the same type of music and entertainment. Having multiple avenues within radio with varied material, engages all type of people into the radio world. BBC Radio has done a remarkable job with appealing to wide audiences. Radio 1Xtra which is one branch within the BBC Radio conglomerate that focuses on urban music and entertainment and uses... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2016 at Global Media News
Radio Life in the UK
The United Kingdom is located within the northwest region of Europe. It is argued as Europe's most influential country with individual countries of England, Scotland and Wales which is also known as Great Britain. Northern Ireland is a distinct region that make up the rest of the United Kingdom. Radio in the United Kingdom is a lot like radio throughout the world, where the goal is to reach a broad range of audiences, painting pictures for listeners with the latest news and entertainment and music as they go about their everyday lives. According to Radio and Telly, a team in... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2016 at Global Media News
New Money, New Problems: Reactions to the New Twenty Dollar Bill on Social Media
[View the story "New Money, New Problems: Reactions to the New Twenty Dollar Bill on Social Media" on Storify] Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2016 at Global Media News
Word Press for Bloggers!
Being a blogger today is more than just random gossip and talk on the web. Prominent bloggers can be quoted and used as sources for stories, as this form of journalism is becoming more and more popular. With this profession being taken seriously, it is important for bloggers to brand themselves just like any other media journalists would. So many bloggers are already using the web and Word Press is great for assisting with the transition from blog page to website. So what exactly is Word Press anyway? Wpapprentice, a tutorial sister site for Word Press tells us how "WordPress... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2016 at Global Media News
What Is Cogi? How Can It Be Useful for Journalists?
Cogi is a new innovative way to record lectures, news content, and any important events needed for the future. With one tap you can record highlights of critical points and turn it into one session. You're probably wondering whats the difference from using your phone or tablet to record right? Cogi has found a new cool and creative way to simplify how you record. How many times have you recorded at a meetings, or interviews and when it's time to play the auido back you can't seem to find the clip of a particular topic or statement? Often times we... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2016 at Global Media News
Can Instagram Help Presidential Candidates with campaign?
We all know by now that the best way to gain popularity in this generation is through social media. Politicians are no different as branding themselves is significant for their campaigns. With Instagram being one of the most popular resources to reach audiences, many of the 2016 Presidential candidates are becoming more active with its use to keep support and gain some as well. via GIPHY According to NewsWhip, between December 2015 and January 2016 the top 3 candidates on Instagram with the most likes, comments and followers were Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Instagram is helpful for... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2016 at Global Media News
Can Instagram Help Politicans with Election Votes?
Basic social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter Instagram, and Snapchat can all be significant for political figures. Having these accounts is beneficial as they can engage with people who they want to establish relationships with, and builds rapport with communities of people that they ultimately want votes from. Instagram is one of the most popular forms of social media that young people are using and older generations are embracing. The 2016 Presidential election is calling for candidates to be more involved with people on social media because it is the new way to stay connected with big audiences, and campaign... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2016 at Global Media News
A New Time Saver for Journalists: Buffer
Everything we do consumes time and it is one crucial thing we cannot get back nor buy. Journalists often have time constraints as there are deadlines to meet for articles, blogs and many other content they have to share. It is also important for them to keep their social media accounts updated and follow important news that is occurring. All that takes up so much time, there’s now a way to schedule tweets ahead of time so you can keep your account updated without having to constantly sign in and out of twitter and worry about your next post. Buffer... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2016 at Global Media News
Significant Twitter Accounts for Politics
Politics are pretty exciting around this time as candidates are racing to become the next POTUS. With people looking for easier ways to keep up with the latest news regarding the 2016 election, twitter is a great solution. While accounts are tweeting about the daily controversial stories of Donald Trump, it can be easy to find yourself clicking on a hash tag related to it, which can end up being more gossip then the relevance of important issues. So what are some significant twitter accounts to follow? Let’s find out. 1. Vox, @voxdotcom Vox is a very prominent source for... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2016 at Global Media News
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