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Thomas Gallopini
Recent Activity
Google Is Evolving
2016: The focus has shifted to Social, when search results dominated the internet just a few years ago, big names were attempting to figure out the Google algorithm. Professionals today, in any field need social. A small to large business or chain may utilize social for advertising, comedians and musicians look to entertain and gain/maintain a following, and when major events such as award shows and album releases occur they aim to be trending across the boards. Google Plus is a social media platform similar to Facebook but it never got much attention when it was launched in 2011. Many... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2016 at Global Media News
Why Should Baseball Fans Download at Bat App?
The At Bat app has consistently been one of the most popular sports apps on the Apple App Store as well as the Android Play Store. It is free and allows users to get live updates on scores and stats. The premium app costs $20, or $3 a month- "At Bat Premium offers Gameday, a graphical depiction of every pitch and every swing almost in real time. You see where runners are on base, how fast each pitch is thrown and where it crosses the plate". This app was created and is run by the MLBAM, who also run the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2016 at Global Media News
How Has the Bernie Sanders' Campaign Created the Most Effective Political Advertisements?
Bernie Sanders, as you may already know, is a United States Senator from Vermont who is also a candidate for the Democratic nomination for POTUS in the 2016 election. He is considered to have "radical" ideas and is often called a socialist. Bernie calls for Democratic Socialism, which is defined as "...a political ideology advocating political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production, with democratic management of enterprises within a socialist economic system". He spreads a message of economic inequality that exists in the United States and it is resonating with many voters. Hillary Clinton is his opponent... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2016 at Global Media News
Kanye West: Influence Through Tidal and Twitter
Kanye West has been a topic of consistent media coverage everyday for quite some time now. In the weeks following the release of his latest album "The Life Of Pablo" (TLOP) along with success involving his recent addition to his Adidas line Yeezy Season 3 he has been hard at work and media relevant. His album was first played publicly at a fashion show for Yeezy Season 3 at Madison Square Garden. You read that right, in extreme Kanye-fashion, he released his new line of clothing the same night and in the same building as his listening party, and that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2016 at Global Media News
The Major League Baseball Advanced Media Take Over
Robert Bowman is the President and CEO of the digital branch of Major League Baseball, the MLBAM. In a recent interview with Walt Mossberg at the Dive Into Mobile Conference, he spoke about recent expansion for this media arm as well as future plans for a potential global sports network available to stream. With the business model and track record of the MLB Advanced Media group, as well as their superior video streaming capabilities, they are considered the gold standard of media groups. "Reality is the second screen, [mobile] is the first" Many people have referred to mobile phones/streaming devices... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2016 at Global Media News
How Are the NHL and MLB Working Together to Develop a Bigger Mobile Presence?
The National Hockey League has launched a new Website and app-developed by Major League Baseball Starting in January of 2016 the Major League Baseball Advanced Media group has taken over the NHL's web operations, network, apps, and video streaming capabilities. It is being called by many, a "groundbreaking partnership" and for good reason, it has never been done before. No two professional North American sports leagues have collaborated on the media front due to how complicated a Digital Rights deal is. Despite this the merger between the NHL and MLBAM has been successful thus far. "Together, two sports could do... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2016 at Global Media News
Donald Trump is Obtaining Free Publicity Using Social Media
Presidential candidates have been utilizing social media to gain publicity. Donald Trump has been using Twitter and Facebook in particular, very differently than his peers. He has been successful in doing so even when he posts something controversial or just down right absurd. Trump's tweets are often contentious and rude which makes it easy for him to become the next trending topic. Since Mr. Trump started his campaign he has made almost countless tendentious remarks that have sparked conversations across the country. In doing this he has received so much attention from supporters and, as he refers to them, his... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2016 at Global Media News
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Jan 27, 2016
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