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Phyllis Oberman
Freelance writer, semi-retired, former journalist
Interests: Art, art history, theatre
Recent Activity
This brought back many memories of Joan at Theatre Workshop Stratford, E15 when the company were were at their most vibrant I shall always remember seeinog Joan in her production of Lysistrata and again in Mother Courage, also the hilarious Good Soldier Schweik and The Threepenny Opera. Sunday evenings were reserved for marvellous concerts - Ballads and Blues - featuring Ewan McColl, Bert Lloyd, Seamus Ennis, sometimes Alan Lomax and many others. I used to treck by tube from north west London to the Theatre Royal Stratford, with its air of faded plush but once the curtain opened it was just magic!
Cataloguing begins on the Joan Littlewood Archive
The Joan Littlewood Archive takes up three inconspicuous bays of storage, just shy of one hundred boxes in rather uniform box-files. We’re not supposed to talk about dusty archives these days but more than one member of the department introduced me to the collection mentioning it as ‘the dusties...
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Feb 6, 2016
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