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I would be most interested in what 'Joe Smith' or anyone who may know what was the composition of Tabu throughout its history from 1932 to the 1970's and if someone who would like to make a natural oils version what would be the ratio of those oils to do it? I do know that Jean Carles is said to have made the original Tabu with 10% of the composition being Patchouli oil.
Thank you!
'Joe Smith' wrote:
Tabu was manufactured in Mountain Top PA. from 1963 to right around the year 2000. The perfume oil was compounded in a lab in New York City until the year 1988 when I joined the company. The oil lab was moved to Mountain Top where I compounded the fragrance for over 10 years. Eventually the compounding and bottling was moved to China and the fragrance was adulterated to no end. Dana was a great company to work for and I miss the old days.....
Posted by: Joe Smith | February 15, 2016 at 08:51 AM
Tabu by Dana (1932)
In the same way that people want to drink a full-bodied red wine or peaty scotch on winter days rather than, say, a vodka grapefruit, perfumistas often veer toward fragrances in the Oriental category when it's cold outside. (I'm in New York City at the moment, and the Weather Channel is telli...
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Feb 17, 2016
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