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Sally Swain
Art and Soul Space
Connecting with creativity in community
Recent Activity
Oh, Fickle Creativity
Oh, So True
Oh, I Love Your Writing
Oh, Thank You for Being You
Oh, Fickle Creativity
Perception is fickle. Especially in the creative process. This can be hazardous to wanting to finish stuff. Yesterday, I worked the whole day on a manual for a new creative workshop called Finding Uber Bliss and I was about to call it quits. It just seemed like a lot of blah, blah bliss and bl...
space and light
for all things bright
and breezy
new space
I am pretty happy about this new space spaciousness and loft ceilings encouraging re-considerations around scale spreading out and looking around thinking big...
gorgeous! I am filled with delight to discover your site!
June, 2016 lakehouse workshops
I am offering 2 fabulous workshops on the shores of Lake Champlain June 9 - 12 and June 16 - 19, 2016... there are only a few spaces in each click here: for description and temptation if you are inte...
Sally Swain is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 26, 2016
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