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Nafisa Habib
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India is just not like any other country, they call it a sub-continent. Its so diverse in all the ways, say like Europe. The culture, food, language, dressing, manners, terrains, changes every 500 kms in India.We have close to 800 languages in India, so you can very well assume how different are we Indians from one another.Everyone is invited to travel our india :)
Toggle Commented Apr 11, 2016 on Namaste from India at The Cleanest Line
Informative article and the video of verma was also good
the sanitation system of a huge number of slum is very poor ,India govt. should take necessary step to improve in this sector.
1 reply
My pleasure to read such kind of article, really We travel a lot with our little baby who is just starting to toddle her way through the world. I'm so happy with all your suggestions and tips especially potty training essentials. I mostly have and do everything you suggested which me feel GOOD, actually I feel like a rock star, oh how times have changed!
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2016 on traveling abroad with a toddler... at Oh Joy!
owe delicious food :)
Thanks for sharing the review Kelly! the pictures and video was nice
nice to read your experience , Did you get the insurance $10/trip as well? If we don't get it, do you think its claimable under our own travel insurance?
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2016 on Traveling with my own pocket wifi at
1 reply
very nice and informative article because i like Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati veru much
Toggle Commented Apr 8, 2016 on Assange, Agra and asylum at Mayank Chhaya Daily
1 reply
All the pictures you had used in your article are very joyful and i enjoy it very much
1 reply
though you might like Taj Mahal and I strongly suggest you to visit that place but don't find it perfect and beautiful. Look at that building .only from historical perspective of slavery and oppression. This .building was extremely hard to manufacture on those days. The Muslim ruler exploited Hindu population's wealth. That building took more than .20 years for it's construction with more than 20,000 workers working day and night. On the completion of this building the Muslim ruler chopped off those workers hand so that they can't construct any other Taj Mahal.
Toggle Commented Apr 7, 2016 on Taj Mahal, India at Via Airmail
Taj Mahal really a amazing place , love this place so much
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2016 on Taj Mahal, Agra at And So I Don't Forget...
Agra is a rich town with its food variation and exception
The Strangler Vine by M. J. Carter may be a useful book for history lovers
1 reply
India is a amazing country with all of its festivals and traditions
1 reply
India is a traditional country with its lot of historical places
i love `The Festival of Canacona' and waiting for it
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Mar 30, 2016