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Flyover State
Recent Activity
OK so our team won. But we won with a less than stellar canidate - bombastic, insulting, and has illegal hispanics and blacks afraid. Yes, that's a great agenda but not if he doesn't turn off his twitter account and watch his mouth. You cannot possibly govern all of the people or work with international leaders if you insult them. I will hold my excitement forl 6 months to a year. He took my state of Ohio and I even voted for him but am a closet voter and will remain so until he proves that he can act presidential.
The Glorious Morning After
It is over!!! Every subject looks different. After eight years of viewing every policy question through the distorted lens of Barack Obama's vision for America, we can get back to a Middle America perspective. This isn't about feeling good about one debate, one Supreme Court decision, a...
AMEN! Would that he had a more Presidential manner. Perhaps I could vote for him. My issue and anger is with Wall Street. no one punished and I almost lost my home. Many others did.
Explaining Trump to the Brits
This week, as we are in London visiting family, the question for any American is "what's up with this Trump thing?" When people will listen, I like to first ask about the upcoming British vote to continue or exit the European Union. Brexit: A Brief Explanation - As part of his ca...
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Mar 31, 2016
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