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Just want to say
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Hello there. While watching something on TV recently my daughter and I saw your recent Delta commercial. We were absolutely awestruck. I commented on it on YouTube and I said I was wondering what advertising agency had created it because it was simply a WONDERFUL ad!! The next day a gentleman named Malachi O'Neill with Mountain Aviation sent me your name. I was so greatful. Then I realized I had NO idea where or to whom to write. So, I picked here. I just wanted you all to know how wonderful that commercial is! I wanted to run to the computer and fly somewhere on Delta that very moment. In fact, since then I have booked a flight to Indianapolis to see and old HS friend. Thank you for such a creative, inspirational ad. Sincerely, Mary Soard
Toggle Commented Apr 10, 2016 on Swimming With Sharks at welcome to optimism
Just want to say is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 10, 2016