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I'm looking forward to this a lot. I am not well read in the Golden Age other than the usual suspects of Christie, Sayers, etc. (But I do have a soft spot for R. Austin Freeman). I have started reading some of the British Library and Dean Street reissues and have liked most of them, so this should be very useful to me. Joe allegretti
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This is a good anthology. I enjoy reading stories about the "rivals" of Sherlock Holmes. Some are pretty good, some not so good. But the more I read the more I have to concede that as a writer ACD is in a class of his own. joe allegretti
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I'd be there... joe
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I am so envious! Nero and Archie are my favorites. joe allegretti
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Looks like a great book. But one problem: no Dr.Thorndyke! joe allegretti
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Wish I could make this premiere. But at least I can re-read the book! joe allegretti
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2017 on "Might as Well be Dead" at Classic Mysteries
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Sorry, Les, somehow forgot to include my name on the above comment. Not used to using google plus! joe allegretti
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Les, like you I can't quite understand those who don't like Peters' novels. Maybe her mysteries aren't as fiendishly clever as some? Maybe she's too romantic (there's nearly always a love story that turns out right in the end)? But Cadfael is one of my favorite characters and perhaps I read the books as much for my delight in him as for the mysteries. These remain my favorite historical mysteries ever.
1 reply
I'm a fan of these. Have read about half and keep meaning to get to the rest. I think they were the first historical mysteries I read, followed by the Brother Cadfael stories. joe allegretti
Toggle Commented Jan 11, 2017 on "The Haunted Monastery" at Classic Mysteries
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Apr 18, 2016