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Columbus, OH
Recent Activity
Finally had an opportunity to watch a fascinating documentary about the restoration of the Rock Mill on the Hocking River.
In 1824, Mrs. Buckeye’s cousin Christian Morehart built a grist mill that was a game changer for Ohio agriculture. Two previous attempts at the site were less than successful as they couldn’t withstand the flood waters. Prior to this, grain had to be transported to mills in Pennsylvania to be ground.
Christian relied on contacts back in the homeland to import the talent needed to get the job done and the mill was a commercial success that operated for over 100 years.
About two decades ago, locals became interested in the possibility of restoring the mill.
This documentary describes that restoration process.
As painstaking as this effort was, imagine doing it 200 years ago with no power tools:)
Jump Ball!
Big basketball weekend. I've inherited Michigan from my big sister (who also bequeathed me Tom Brady, so, WINNING!). And the Lady Huskies have the team and the player to put on a show.
Fuck Brit Hume too.
Jim Geraghty On Impeachment
Strong stuff from Jim Geraghty.
Sorry Jake has gone to the big lake in the sky, PD.
Jim Geraghty On Impeachment
Strong stuff from Jim Geraghty.
I hesitate to use profanity.
You set a good example Ext, some of us need that:)
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
The dickwad mayor ordered the Tuscaloosa police to use tear gas to disperse the crowd who were doing nothing more than celebrating. My daughter was in the crowd but fortunately did not get gassed. Suffice it to say parents are livid with what happened.
Standard operating procedure in the 70s in Columbus after a Michigan game. Usually not until a couple of cars were torched. You knew they were pissed when the rubber bullets started flying.
Our parents attitude was that we probably deserved it:)
See how times have changed.
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
Have you figured out who your going to rat the JOMers out to?
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
every confidence
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
Well, a young and somewhat inexperienced team got man handled last night.
I’d say there is always next season, but I have very confidence SloJoe and company will eff things up enough with the ‘Rona response in 21 that college sports will likely be deemed “non-essential”.
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
I got a nice email from Beasts this morning, wishing me luck in tonight’s game.
I think he is as nervous as I am:)
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
Mrs. Buckeye observes that @jack, zuck, and bezos shouldn’t get too smug.
If Jack Ma can be disappeared, so can they.
I knew there was a reason I married that gal:)
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
I walked a couple of blocks in Montreal in -35F with no hat and no gloves.
That sucked, but at least the restaurant was excellent:)
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
I reread your post CH.
Yep we have an extra room. You’re always welcome.
I don’t think Buckeyette would claim it, she’s pretty talented with her shootin’ irons and can take care of herself.
Jr. will be too busy treating the wounded to venture out to far suburbia.
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
Thanks CH, I’ll keep that in mind.
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
OL and I are not sitting in The Ledge bar colluding on our posts.
It isn’t noon yet:)
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
I’m OK with TC fighting legal battles.
In the meantime, I’m placing an ammo order.
Away We Go Again
Have at it.
Might be a good day to start calling all your local advertisers on Facebook and tell them you will never buy another thing from them until they quit advertising on FB.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
Convince me I am wrong, in this Brave New World.
Of course you are correct OL, but the question remains, just how badly do they want to start CW2?
They haven’t had a chance yet to confiscate our firearms.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
I think I will go long on carrier pigeons:)
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
IANAL but I would think Amazon's actions vs Parler would be illegal restraint of trade, anti-competitive behavior, considering that Twitter and FB are two of AWS's biggest customers.
Well jimmyk, Parler could take their grievance to our “pristine” courts for redress, but you can guess how that would turn out.
Better to spend the money on a new platform.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
The commies will go after talk radio next.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
Well said Clarice.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
My grandfather did that same kind of rum running, only between Detroit and Windsor.
Over water in good weather, over ice in a car during winter.
I think that is how the connections with certain “Italian” communities evolved.
I think I told you about the grocery store my dad worked in as a kid. Some of the crates in the basement were green beans, some were Tommy guns.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
Yep the Chinese radios are dirt cheap.
You could either go GMRS or Ham radio.
The Ham radio test for technician level is pretty simple, a weekend of study should do it. GMRS is just money as I recall.
Setup your own repeater and you would have freedom to change frequencies and/or access codes yourselves.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
And if you think Ham radio sounds like a bunch of nerdy propeller heads, you would be correct:)
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
A couple of observations about the radio discussions.
I have played with GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service), FRS (Family Radio Service) and Ham radio in the same general spectrum (from approximately 140 megahertz and above).
These bands are used for short distances. Anything beyond 25 miles without a repeater is a miracle. Think handheld 2 watt walkie talkies for communicating with your little kids in a theme park. That’s how I used them:)
The bulk of Ham radio is in the spectrum from about 1.8 to 30 megahertz. And unlike the walkie talkie stuff which is FM, the lower bands are dominated by CW (morse code) and SSB (single side band - voice).
Propagation characteristics are completely different. The lower frequencies use the ionosphere as a skip tool for long distances. This is what you use for talking to your mate in Australia, or your cousin in Europe.
Also means you need a big rig, 1000 watts and 100 foot antennas.
Lots Going On
Its a beautiful day outside.
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