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David Holmes
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Hi Chad
Another fabulous post that's got my mind racing. A couple of questions:
1. If I do want to 'roll my own' PAAS stack, then Is Neutrino still right for me if NHC isn't?
2. If I've made an investment in Mesos, can I still leverage this with the PCF integrations delivered through EMC{code} et al?
3. Presumably, as a developer I can lean hard into NHC without caring at all which underlying IAAS (OpenStack, Photon, Apache) my IT ops team prefers?
PS your last two links (to the demo and Neutrino post) didn't make it into the post :-)
EMC World 2016: Native Hybrid Cloud – A new platform for a new world
It makes getting up and running with Pivotal Cloud Foundry easy – orders of magnitude than using just the Pivotal Ops Manager (which NHC builds on). Ops manager is great – but presumes that everything is “ready for it”. It makes the IT operations team the hero they want to be – connected to th...
As I walked into the keynote yesterday, I said to a colleague "you know, the only primary storage product that isn't all-flash is Isilon, I wonder when that will happen?" Then 14 minutes later it did...
EMC World 2016: SURPRISE! Project “Nitro”
[UPDATE: 5/7/2016 – 9:30am ET] – general updates and corrections. One thing I really love about EMC is everywhere you look, there’s secret projects, innovative efforts that are forked off, efforts to disrupt ourselves, investments and acquisitions always in flight. I take pride in trying to kee...
David Holmes is now following The Typepad Team
May 5, 2016
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