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Ria Jagasia
Recent Activity
Vega and Altair on their meeting day (source) Around this time of the year, many Japanese people get together to celebrate Tanabata matsuri (festival). This festival commemorates a Romeo and Juliet-esque story of two lovers, Vega and Altair, who were separated across the Milky Way and were only allowed to... Continue reading
Tennessee or Tokyo? (source) Climbing Mt. Takao had been on my list of things to do while in Japan and I finally got to check it off! Takao-san, as it is called in Japanese, is located about an hour outside of central Tokyo. My friends and I met up at... Continue reading
Between the variety of foods that Tokyo has to offer and the (too) convenient options of stopping by Lawson or Seven-Eleven on the way to or from school, it can be hard to stay active in a new, foreign environment. Even though the morning commute can sometimes feel like a... Continue reading
This past weekend was filled with new experiences ... Continue reading
Takeshita Street (source) A few weeks ago, my friends and I decided to take on Harajuku and spend our Monday off exploring Japan’s fashion central. Harajuku is known for its colorful, lolita fashion and its trendy shops that line the streets. The day started by making the trek from my... Continue reading
Ria Jagasia is now following The Typepad Team
May 10, 2016