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Recent Activity
Just 1 step to go to build that.. Hope to get the donkey.. :)
The Goat Getter!
Our playful Mini Goats are raring to go! They're active and fast so the Mini Goat Derby will surely be exciting. You can host these races and get a baby Thuringian Forest Donkey as a reward. If you are level 15, "The Goat Getter!" popup will appear. Click on the "Build Starting Gate!" button t...
Farmville 2 is the BEST!!
Chilean Guava Berries taste like cotton candy!
Get some of these surprisingly sweet "Chilean Guava Berries taste like cotton candy!" Limited Edition items from your General Store! Read below for more information about this game update and don't forget to share with us your favorite item by commenting on this post. Pour your heart out l...
Still asking for materials.. hope to get it soon.. :)
A Hole In One!
Walter is a Golf enthusiast and he needs his Golf Ball's to continue enjoying this game. Help him find them in your farm and he'll reward you with an adorable baby Wilson White Chinchilla. If you are level 15, the "A Hole In One!" popup will appear. Click on the "Place Building!" button so you...
Is this still available?..
Grove Guide!
Got Tree crowding? Save some Water and space on your Farm with Groves! Store up to four Trees and water all at the same time with one single click. If you are level 10 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on “Place Grove” to get started. Building the Grove Your first st...
Robertt is now following The Typepad Team
May 19, 2016
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